Prof. Maria Fasli


QLA brings together a multidisciplinary team of scholars to lead the development of our priority research programs. Drawing on expert talent from across the world, QLA works with only the best.

Prof. Maria Fasli
Director, Institute of Analytics and Data Science.
Analytics / Data Science

Maria is currently the Director, Institute of Analytics and Data Science (IADS) and Professor school of computer science and electronic engineering Essex University.

1. Head of School, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering University of Essex
2. Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering University of Essex)
3. Lecturer, Department of Computer Science University of Essex

Maria is currently the Director, Institute of Analytics and Data Science (IADS), Essex University
Her qualifications include: Ph.D. in Computer Science, thesis title: Commodious Logics of Agents, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, UK.(2000), BSc in Computer Science, Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki (T.E.I.), Department of Informatics (1995), Certificate in Education, School of Teachers of Technical and Vocational Education (S.E.L.E.T.E.), Thessaloniki, Greece, (1992).

Dr. Prince Osei
Lead Scientist & Director, Quantum Leap Africa (QLA)
Prof. Terry Rudolph
Scientific Advisory Council
Prof. Maria Fasli
Scientific Advisory Council
Prof. Marc Deisenroth
Visiting Researcher
August 16th, 2018 - December 31st, 2018